Thursday, June 5, 2014

Final Project Part 2: Block Letter

Rather than have people bring their portfolio's back in, I have opted to give a couple simple assignments to make sure you have the skills down.

You will be writing a block letter to me from yourself:

My address:
Robert Griffith
235 Harness Hollow Lane
Briceville, TN 37710
I want you to do the following paragraphs:
  1. What sorts of things did you enjoy learning most in Life Skills & Personal Finance?
  2. What would you change about the class if you were teaching it?
  3. What grade do you believe you deserve in this class.  Why?
  4. What are your plans for the future?
Don't forget to include the closing (i.e. Sincerely,) and your printed name with a space between those to sign your name.

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